You need one!
What is the benefit of the planning team? They can help take the pressure off the regular leaders of the group.
Who can be in the planning team? That is up to you, it should be made up of people with some expertise in the area (even if they are not going on the trip), people going on the trip, people with travel expertise, people who have been on a similar trip in the past anybody who thinks they can help!
What is the goal of the team? To plan your trip!, including itineraries, gear, food, prep work, transportation, etc…
What is the teams responsibilities? How much of the trip is your group planning? How much will you do and how much will you “subcontract” out to a planner?
What choices will be done as a group? Will decisions be solo and not require the group? You have the power, our philosophy was to have as much of it be group choices and if possible it should be the decision of the entire group. Of course the majority of the little details don’t work for a large group to make figure it out but this is ultimately up to you and your team.
Who will lead the team? Maybe the head of the organization but it doesn’t have to be maybe someone who just wants to dedicate to making the trip happen.